There are lots of illnesses that children pick up from chicken pox to cold sores.
The first common childhood illness if want to identify the signs and symptoms of is Chicken Pox. The first sign\symptom that starts chicken pox of and makes adults aware that the child has this is the rash it begins with a rash and within 12-14 hours will be itchy blisters that usually appear in patches. However there are many symptoms before the rash that could indicate to chicken pox such as a child may have: a high temperature and felling sick aching and painful muscles a headaches and all round felling unwell. The spots usually appear in clusters and tend to be:
Behind the ears
On the face
Over the scalp
On the chest and belly
On the arms and legs hand and feet
The second common child hood illness is meningitis. Babies and toddlers from 0-5 years are more common and most likely to develop meningitis. There are two kinds of this illness: Bacterial and Viral. Babies and toddlers are at most risk of developing bacterial meningitis. Some of the symptoms/signs are:
High fever
Cold hands and feet
And refusing food.
And a rash may develop
One of the most common ways to discover if your child does have meningitis
Is by doing something called the glass test. This can be done if a rash appears not every child with meningitis will get one. If you press the sides of a clear glass firmly against the skin and the rash dons fade Isa sign of meningococcal septicemia. If this is the case the rash will be of tiny pin pricks that will eventually develop into purple bruising. If the child has a fever and a rash that does not fade under pressure seek medical help straight away.
Viral meningitis signs and symptoms are:
Mild flu like symptoms
Generally not feeling well
Neck stiffness
Sensitivity to light
Unlike bacterial meningitis viral meninges doesn’t usually lead to septicemia which is blood poisoning.