Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine which is more strongly related to performance for your selected company.
Job satisfaction can be known to some people as an important element in their lives. Other parts of their lives can be affected, if an individual is unhappy with their occupation. Job satisfaction can be viewed as what one has in a job as to what one wants in their current job. Job satisfaction can be defined as an attitude or feeling one can have toward ones job. Job satisfaction can also be defined as "the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) in their jobs” (Specter, 1997). Job satisfaction is positively affected in a variety of ways including pay, perks, fringe benefits and perks. Job satisfaction can be affected by a sense that pay does not reflect work, lack of pay, or a lack of belief the organization values him or her. Worker dissatisfaction can lead to a lower level of organizational commitment. Job satisfaction is a key to employee retention. Employees yearn to know the work he or she provides has value to the organization he or she works for. All these different factors can affect ones job satisfaction. Organizational commitment is considered as an important definition of company effectiveness and job satisfaction is a part of it. The organizational commitment mostly focuses on organizational behavior and psychology. Organizational commitment may be defined as “relative strength of an individual’s identification with and involvement in a specific organization.” (Suma & Lesha, 2013). Several factors, such as job characteristics, job performance, involvement in a goal setting and decision-making processes, forms an affective commitment in workers. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment influence company performance and plays an important role in organization
References: Ford, M. E. (1992). Motivating Humans:Goals, Emotions, and Personal Agency Beliefs. Newbury Park: SAGE. Specter, P. E. (1997). Job Satisfaction: Application, Assessment, Causes, and Consequences. Thousands Oak: SAGE. Suma, S., & Lesha, J. (2013). JOB SATISFACTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT: THE CASE OF SHKODRA MUNICIPALITY. European Scientific Journal, 51.