It is famously said that “employees are the real asset for an organization”. This slogan has been frequently used in the mission statement of various organization who believe in the development of their employees for the sake of employees and eventually their own benefit as educated employees are the one who can bring more money to the company and shield the company from any kind of bad image and penalties of doing wrong. Without employees an organization cannot survive and without educated and trained employees an organization cannot compete and prosper in the competitive era of business where every employer want to be the best in their services.
Let’s analyze an example that an organization ABC is formed in 199X and it need 100 employees for running their business. ABC has hired 100 best professionals of that time who have all up to dated knowledge of technical aspects. Business studies and researches are take place and updates frequently. What was best yesterday is no worth today, laws amend, ways to doing thing changes etc. You will be agree that if these 100 employees do not update themselves with the change in the education and business research with the technical updates then such 100 employees will be of none value at 201X as they have old knowledge. They need to update their knowledge with the passage of time.
E-learning is a new shift under the umbrella of Training Program. Not everything has all positive aspect. All has pros and cons. Organizations are moving and expending millions on the E-Learning so that their employees get extensive training through the E-Learning and also their business activity do not hurt that usually happens when an employee leave his office seat for getting the training.
The study is accomplished with the hope to find out the real impact of the
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