Format for the essay:
A. PARAGRAPH ONE—Introduction—include information about the author, give a brief summary of the story, and include a thesis statement (your overall opinion of the character without using I [only use third person in this essay]). Underline your thesis statement.
B. PARAGRAPH TWO—tell what the character’s important traits (traits are qualities such as being honorable, friendly, courteous, courageous, etc.) are from what the character says and does. Support with details and quotes from the story (must use 2 QUOTES per body paragraph—taken directly from the story—quotes cannot be back-to-back—write a quote and then explain how the quote fits what you are trying to say in the paragraph)
C. PARAGRAPH THREE—tell what the character’s important traits are by referring to what other characters say and do because of the main character. Support with references to specific incidents and lines quoted by other characters in the story (at least 2—quotes cannot be back-to-back—write a quote and then explain how the quote fits what you are trying to say in the paragraph).
D. PARAGRAPH FOUR—tell step by step how the character changes as a result of both internal and external forces. Use at least 2 quotes to support your information—quotes cannot be back-to-back—write a quote and …show more content…
The word Print is attached to the end when you have an actual paper copy of the novel. If this was an electronic copy, you would not need to include Print at the end. Please be sure to look at the punctuation VERY carefully. Remember that the Work Cited page is on a separate sheet. This page is the last page of the essay, and it is numbered in sequence with the rest of the pages. Note the difference between Work and Works; only use Works when there is more than one source cited in the