Table of Contents
Coverseet 1
Table of Contents 4
1. Introduction: 5
2. Strengths: 5
2.1. Leadership 5
2.2. Internal locus of control: 5
2.3. Need for achievement 6
3. Weaknesses: 7
3.1. Risk-taker 7
3.2. Innovativeness 7
3.3. Proactivity 8
4. Conclusion: 9
References: 10
Personal reflection on entrepreneurial characteristics
1. Introduction:
Over the years, several attempts have been made in explaining the term entrepreneurship. Surprisingly there is still no universally accepted definition. Meredith et al 1982, quoted by Kirby 2003 define entrepreneurs as “people who have the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities; to gather the necessary resources to take advantage of them; and to initiate appropriate action to ensure success.” Harwood (1982), quoted by Chell, Haworth and Brearley (1991) further defines that an entrepreneur may also be the founder of a new business venture since he “takes initiative, assumes considerable autonomy in the organization and management sources, shares in the asset risk, shares in an uncertain monetary profit, and innovates”
2. Strengths:
2.1. Leadership “Entrepreneurship is simply a type of leadership that occurs in a specific setting” as it is defined by Vecchio (2003), emphasizing the importance of being a leader in order to be a successful entrepreneur. In addition, an entrepreneurial leader must be cognitively ambidextrous, secondly must have a social, environmental, and economic responsibility and sustainability, and finally has to be self and socially aware. (Greenberg, McKone-Sweet and Wilson 2011).
Example: My leadership skills as well as my ability to lead have considerably improved over the last three years. I have been assigned the role of group leader from my peers numerous times because of my ability to communicate effectively with other group members and to organize work efficiently. As a result we have managed to achieve our goals efficiently without facing any major
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