Form Seven Internal Assessment Task 2013
Computer Studies
Fiji Latter Day Saints Church College
System Analysis and Design
Name: Vika Hawea
Form: Seven (7)
Teacher: Ms Cheryl Bhan
The aim of this project is for student to apply knowledge and skills learnt in Unit 1 (Information
Systems), Unit 2(Systems Analysis and design) and Unit 3 (Database Management) to complete this task. Acknowledgement
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for their support that enable me to complete this project:
Firstly, Heavenly father for giving me the knowledge and wisdom that I may be able to complete this project
Secondly, my parents Mr & Mrs Hawea for the financial support and words of encouragement that enable me to go through all challenges faced while doing this project.
Thirdly, my friend Senimelia Prasad fort always being there for me and sharing with me her knowledge and skill of computer that we are able to complete our project together.
Lastly, my computer teacher Ms Bhan for her help and pushing me to finish my project on time and not to be lazy to do it properly.
Table of contents
Phase 1: Preliminary Investigation
In the Preliminary Investigation phase, the problems are briefly identified and a few solutions suggested. This phase is a preliminary investigation of a proposed project to determine the need for a new information system. It provides the management with a reason to initiate the System Analysis and Design process.
This is usually requested by the end-user who wants something that is not presently being done by the information system. This usually highlights a flaw or drawback in the
Information System.
In phase 1, the systems analyst or the end-user is concerned with three (3) tasks) –
1. Briefly defining the problem
2. Suggesting alternative solutions
3. Preparing a short report
Reports will help the management to decide