1. Explain the five broad social and emotional aspects of learning.
Social and emotional development in children is a vital part of growing up becoming increasingly aware of their identity, their feeling and recognising how to appropriately control those feelings, relationships with others and also understanding their place within social environments are all very important in shaping a child into who they are and the adult they will grow into. This is split into five aspects of learning as follows.
SELF AWARENESS- A child having self-awareness is not only for them to understand themselves but also for them to know how to relate to others around like teachers siblings friends and parents. They will also know when they learn most effectively, recognize when they find something difficult to achieve and know when to feel good about themselves and things they do. It is Important through self-awareness that a child knows how to take responsibility for their actions and that it is ok to have lots of different kinds of feelings but it may not always be appropriate to act on them.
MANAGING FEELINGS- Once a child has learnt to manage their feelings they will be able to use a range of different strategies to recognize and accept how they are feeling this can have a positive contribution to a pupil’s behavior and how they approach learning. A pupil will be aware of what makes them angry, happy or sad and also how to express these feelings in a way in which will not be negative for others around them.
MOTIVATION- Motivating a pupil to enjoy their learning and setting personal goals is vital in teaching a child that if they put their mind to something they can achieve it even if they fail the first time they can start again with confidence, given the right motivation a child will be able to break up long term goals into smaller steps overcoming obstacles one at a time and celebrating when each step is