First of all, people can’t assimilate unless they were indoctrinated from a very young age. For instance, white supremacy is an example of how assimilation won’t work with a majority of people. White supremacists cannot and will not understand other cultures because they only believe that they are the predominant race. Assimilation would be a very difficult ideology to…
find a cultural balance. To assimilate into another society takes a great deal of patience,…
Some Americans argue that immigrants refuse to assimilate into U.S. culture, but according to Cole, “our society exerts tremendous pressure to conform, and cultural separatism rarely survives a generation” (559). Little by little, immigrants newly living in the U.S. pick up on our language, behaviors, customs and so on, all through exposure alone. Over time, immigrants adapt to our culture and in return, they also enrich our culture by adding more diversity. It is this diversity that enhances environments within our country such workplaces, neighborhoods, and also schools. After all, being a diverse country shows that we are a country that openly accepts the differences of others and embraces their freedom to be different as well. Pressuring immigrants to completely leave behind their previous culture and conform to “American Culture” is not only seen as controlling and unjust, it also assumes America has one single culture when in fact, American culture is composed from various individual cultures. Although sometimes it can be rather difficult to work with different cultures and some cultures negatively interact with others, that should not be an excuse for anyone to fear immigrants nor immorally prohibit them from making a home where ever they please to do so. America is a melting pot of cultures, which helps portray itself as a beautifully diverse country where anyone is accepted with open arms. Immigrants choose this country for a reason; America is one of the most opportunity-filled countries that is rich in culture and diversity. Not only does immigration enrich our culture, but it also enriches the lives of…
There are various factors that affect the communication process. Among many of the factors some are very important and play a very important role throughout society, cultural, ethical and individual ways of perspective and communication. Throughout life people have and/or will be faced with the challenge of playing out these roles in society. For example, there are different cultures around the world. In some culture women are to be covered up at all times and are married off to as trade for cattle or money to their father. Where in cultures women are free to dress and marry by there choice. These two women will experience culture shock while communicating with each other. Culture is the values, attitudes and morals, someone is thought that carry over into their social lives. By taken the time to make sure we as people can cultural communication it can keep down most of the confusing in workplace, school and just maybe the world.…
Some migrants undergo a relatively easy transition. However, there are many who experience at least some (if not many) challenges in adjusting to life in a new country.…
Assimilation is the process by which many groups have been made a part of a common cultural life, which commonly shared values.…
1. How can families assimilate to a new culture? Families can assimilate to a new culture by starting to accept the other culture’s ideas and beliefs.…
In order to feel comfortable, included and accepted, many immigrants and people of ethnic upbringings are forced to assimilate. What is referred to as the WASP gentry (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) is the standard of how to be. Assimilation is a complex social issue, in the words of Liu, times have changed and America has gone many…
Many of the early encounters and integrating of the societies and tribes, traditions and cultures were integrated with our way of life in today’s civilization of many cultures. Within America, there were and still are many different cultures that are found in just one city. People from many walks of life gave maintained to accept one another and live together, joining in on different traditions of one’s nationality with enjoyment. (Perdue, T. (2012).…
Immigrants in the United States encounter many obstacles and conflicts while they struggle to absorb the new society from old culture. They struggle in two different languages, two different cultures, and two different people parts of the world. For some immigrants, it is easy to make an assimilation of new society. However, for some immigrants, it is difficult to assimilate to the new society because they already used to with their traditional home culture. The traditional home culture such as food, custom, values, norms are difficult to get rid of for some immigrants which make them difficult to live in the new society.…
Language and actions are used to express ourselves or to get our ideas across to another. Verbal, nonverbal, and visual clues are all various methods using to establish, maintain, and modify relationships. Effective communication, regardless of culture, has the ability to help or harm any potential business relationship. Culture can be defined as the characteristics of a particular group…
When immigrants and/or indigenous people adopt a different culture due to political relevance or to its perceived dominance, cultural assimilation, is one of the cultural challenges that arise due to globalization. Linda Bull, a Cree form Goodfish Lake First Nation who is completing doctoral work in international education, said as governments pursue economic goals, separating Indigenous people from land, resources and political power becomes necessary. These forces, she said, become a form of cultural genocide as Aboriginal people lose their language and become ignorant of their own culture.…
People that face a new culture interaction can either go to the extreme position, that is fully accept or totally reject the new culture and thus become assimilated respectively separated, or manage to internalize both cultures and develop integrated/bicultural behavior. The authors distinguish 5 steps in this process.…
In conclusion, to improve my perception of others I need to know culture of communication. Valuable communication can lead to a desirable and effective interpersonal…
Everyone has their own culture, and everyone respects their own culture. But what happens if one has to live between two cultures? It might seem easy, but it’s not easy at all. Most people find themselves living between two cultures when they immigrate to another country. Then they belong to their own culture and the new culture which belongs to the country they live in.…