Mrs. Brothers AP ELA 11
Associative Reader Response for “A Rose For Emily”
It must be hard for a person to really love someone and only that person, and then that certain person dies. Miss Emily goes through a trial of changes throughout this short story. None of these changes had a positive effect on Miss Emily’s life, and her life just seemed to keep getting worse. I can connect to Miss Emily in some ways because I know how it feels to lose a loved one (my grandfather). I was young when he died but I realize now that if I were older when he passed, I would just shut everyone out and be depressed just like Miss Emily. This story tells how when her father died she barley went out and was rarely …show more content…
seen by the towns’ people. Everyone wants to be insensitive like she didn’t just lose her father. They kept referring to her in the story as “Poor Emily”… not just regular Emily.
They believed her kinsfolk should have come for her but in truth; her father was the only one she had. Now he is gone and they expect her to be the same and all happy and normal like nothing has ever happened, but the truth is for everyone is no one is the same after a sudden death. She won’t heal from this situation and move on. Her story can only get worse. I think that the hidden meaning in this story is love. Emily’s father never gave her the chance to experience love with another man. Over the years, she learned to only love her father to the lack of any other male companionship. Her father was the only man she ever learned to truly love. Later when she met Homer, people automatically assumed “she would marry him” since she didn’t have any other love than her father. The towns’ people were so anxious for her not to be lonely anymore and to live her life. Then something occurred between her and Homer which lead to the wrongful deed of Emily killing him with arsenic poison. I think that maybe Homer wanted to leave her because he got tired of the same girl. Like her dad dying and leaving her lonely and she wasn’t willing to let Homer leave. I feel bad for Emily because she should have had the experience to live her own life and to find true love since her father never let her experience
the feeling with any other man. This story shows cultural significance by stating the difference between being black or white. It was very disrespectful to keep calling her helper a “Negro” every chance they got even though it was true and during that certain time period, that is what the black man was named. There was no justification for being called a Negro all the time. People in the story could be so judgmental. Emily sleeping next to a dead body could have been a belief or a ritual thing keeping Homer’s spirit with her on Earth until she dies in order for them to go into heaven together. Yet honestly, I believe that Emily was crazy and a lunatic. Miss Emily sleeping with the dead just shows how twisted she truly was, even at the beginning of the story she wouldn’t let them take her father’s decomposed body either. What was she intending to do with her father’s dead body? Maybe she wanted to bury his body herself. Emily’s resistance to change left her hopeless in the world. She was a burden to those around her who continued to proceed on with life. She wouldn’t get rid of her old house seen though it was known as a “eyesore among eyesores”. I think that she refused to get rid of the house because it had so many memories inside and it was where she grew up. If she got rid of her house, she would have been getting rid of a piece of her childhood and memories.