Speed of light: C= 3 x 10^8 m/s, C=3x10^5 km/s
Light year= dist= speed x time
Earth rotates 360 deg every SIDEREAL DAY
1 Sidereal day= 24 sidereal hrs= 23:56 solar hours
Earth revolves 360 around the sun ever 365.24 days= tropical year
Earth’s rotation axis precesses every 26,000 yrs
Moon revolves 360 deg ever 27.3 days= Sidereal mon
Moon’s cyc repeats every 29.5 days= Syndonic mon
Saros cycle: one eclipse yr is only 346 days. 19 eclipse years= 223 syndonic months.
1. You send a message to Buzz Aldrin on the moon, 384,000 km and he sends you an immediate reply. Both messages travel at the speed of light. How long do you have to wait between sending your message and receiving his? Over 2 sec. (time= dist/speed= 384,000km/ 3x10^5)=1.28 Sec. (then X2 for there and back)
2. You watch a star rotate 120 deg around the n. celestial pole. How long have you been watching? 8 hrs. (120x 24hr/360deg).
3. You watch Orion rise above the horizon at 2am. What time will you have to go out to watch it rise two months earlier? 10 PM (2mons x (360deg/12mos)=60 deg. 60degx(24hr/360deg)= 4hr. 2am-4hr= 10PM)
4. It is hotter in summer and colder in winter b/c:? Your hemisphere of earth is tipped toward the sun.
5. The sun at midday is the lowest in the sky on the:? Winter solstice. 6. The day is 12 hrs long and the night is 12 hrs long:? On the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. 7. In 26,000 yrs:? Polaris will be the pole star (precession, n. celestial pole traces circle every 26,000 yrs) 8. When lunar eclipses occur, the moon is full. (lunar eclipses occur when earth is between sun and moon, =moon is full. Since the earth-moon plane is tilted with respect to the earth-sun plane, the line of nodes must point towards sun) 9. There are apx 19 eclipse seasons every 9 tropical yrs. 10. Every Saros cycle: ? All lunar eclipses reoccur.
2) baseline= dist btwn different observing points
If you know the baseline and ang