Robert Austin, PhD.
December 30, 2013
University of Phoenix
The Science of Stars Paper
The stars are the majority and most widely acknowledged astronomical components that symbolize the most essential development of the galaxies. The disbursement, age, and the framework of the night sky in the galaxy maintain a record of the heritage, evolution and characteristics of our galaxy. More important the stars are integral to the fabrication and allocation of heavy elements. Notably corresponding to oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, is intimately associated with the capabilities of the planetary models, which in turn associate about them. Previously, the analysis of the conception, longevity, and …show more content…
perishing of the stars is dominated to the subject of astronomy.
Astronomers depend on what images that a telescope observes the unique variations they use this to calculate the magnetism, structure, activity, conditions, and the structure and magnetism of celestial objects.
The conduct of many of the stars would indicate that they generate a certain amount of energy at each wavelength however in addition would carry a pinnacle wavelength and range in which they discharge a significant amount of their remaining stamina. The Electromagnetic radiation is transmitted by waves at the speed of light (299-792, km/sec) throughout space.
There are electromagnetic waves and they are made up of marginal frequency radio waves and they are helped by infrared energy and looked at ultraviolet x-rays to luminosity and gamma rays that are high in frequency. If they are beside each other most of these waves do create an electromagnet spectrum. When we look at electromagnetic waves they may be identified by how often that they occur and how the more substantial the waves occur the more that they are limited (Tools, …show more content…
We know that telescopes may render the methods the way that we explore and evaluate electromagnetic radiation in space. There are many types of telescopes and they are each unique to the astronomy field and helpful in distinguishing aspects of the scale which includes radio waves, visible light, microwaves and adjusted infrared. The foreign galaxies, planets, gaseous nebulae, that are in a locale of the spectrum and are very distinguished and unique. This process is due to the number of forms of radiation and is susceptible to the alternation of the environment and chemistry. In addition to be considered a subject can be efficient in distinguishing the wavelengths that presents the astronomer with the evidence that would include temperature. The variety of telescopes and are categorized as the optical telescopes collect visible light, and the radio telescopes collect the radiation that is invisible to the human eye. Galileo was a pioneer of the optical telescope of the 17th century with the consideration of the technology had been engineered to what we know now as the Hubble Space Telescope and the new Gemini Telescope. Karl Jansky, was the designer of the radio telescope in 1932, and is now established into the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, (Tools, 2004).
The Hertzspurg-Russel diagram was the most renowned diagram in astronomy. The diagram is a plot of absolute magnitude verses the coloration of the stars of the stars that will vary from the high temperature the blue-white stars would be on the left of the diagram and the weak temperature, the red stars are on the right, (Sparks, 2012). Practically all of the stars, with the involvement of the Sun, are concluded to be in the region defined as the Main Sequence. The Main Sequence stars will fluctuate extremely in operative temperature. This means the warmer the temperature the more beautiful the star is. Stars are fusing hydrogen to helium in their core. Stars consecrate the majority as main sequence stars. Other meaningful arrangements of stars that are located on the H-R diagram are the super giants and giants, the luminous stars that come off the main sequence and the white dwarfs (Bennett, Donahue, & Schneider, 2010). The life pattern of the Sun causes an immense cloud of particles and gas contain mostly of hydrogen. If there is a sizeable cloud of gas and dust that is cold enough, it will be steady result of the gravitational conjunction between the refuse that will make up the cloud. Foremost, the constancy will put a large amount of burden on the deepest part the core. First of all the electrons that were connected with the primary neutral gases would be exposed off and the gas were imminently developed into charged gas. The positive charged hydrogen nuclei in the core proceeding then crashed with one another with such force this would enable them to fuse.
The process is acknowledged as nuclear fusion and quickly leads to the makeup of helium.
The energy that comes from nuclear fusion hinders the star from continuing to fail. When the star reaches this union, at the moment that the nuclear fusion comes to light what was gas is now a star. In this situation, the Sun is the after math. In the existence of the Sun it is where we are in the here and now. Through nuclear fusion the Sun keeps on burning. Tens of thousands of years the nuclear acknowledgment will produce high- energy electromagnetic waves and they move out into space. They make contact with the surface and when moved into space by lower energy visible, infrared light, and ultraviolet light, (Villanueva, 2010). This is what exactly what defines lightens our planet today. Later when the hydrogen gets absorbed into helium, there is no more energy which will empower it to push out and block the Sun from being diminish. In the end the Sun would
The collapse would put extreme weight on the helium core and add to the helium nuclei there to unite into more important elements very alike as they were before. As before the fusion would push the outer rim out. In this event, the outward is made bigger this would permit the Sun to be brighter and much bigger than before. At this time in the cycle of life of the Sun, at that time it will be consequently Big Red Giant. The external areas would continue to grow, the helium nuclei the core would proceed to fuse into carbon. At that moment, carbon will not be able to further fuse. Therefore the Sun’s core would balance where the outer edge would resume to progress and finally be removed. The white dwarf is also known as the core and the planetary nebula is also as external region. Therefore the life of the Sun, the white dwarf s end the complete residual heat and would change into a dark cold mass and known as the black dwarf (Villaneva, 2010).
In conclusion the Sun is in the middle of the main sequence portion of its lifespan. The Sun ignites hydrogen into helium, which produces the heat and the light. This procedure that the Sun has gone through has been continuing for as long as five billion years. Therefore, in thirteen thousand years and fifteen thousand A.D. it will not endure any change from the remaining energy. In as many as 5 billion added years not all hydrogen but some can be used to be converted into helium. Therefore the Sun would continue to burn helium and turn into a red giant. The Sun will then to break down into a white dwarf and renew for many more billions of years to come (Bennett, Donahue, & Schneider, 2010.
Bennett, J., Donahue, M., & Schneider N., (2010)
The Cosmic Perspective, Sta)rs, Galaxies, & Cosmology (6th ed.) University of Phoenix e-Books database.
Sparks, R., (2012)
The Hertzsprug-Russell Diagram Tools of Astronomers (2004) Villanueve, J. C. (2010)
Life Cycle of the Sun