Robert Yokeley
Submitted to
Dr. Jerry Wells
Human Resource Management
Section B-02
Spring Semester, 2014
March 2, 2014
Introduction …………………………………….....................................................................3
Annotated Review ………………………………………………………………………...3-10
Evaluation of the California Linked Learning .........................................................................3
The New York City ATI/ Reentry Coalition Service Report ………………………………..4
A’s and F’s for Charter Schools ……………..........................................................................4
School Turnarounds a Controversial Tactic in Low-Income, Minority Communities ………5
Caring School Community: Program Profile ……………….………………………………..6
Seattle Social Development Project: Project Overview ………………………….…..………6
School Dropouts and Juvenile Delinquency among Lower-Class Children …………………7
The Impact of Education on Crime Reduction and Earnings ………………………………...7
Redesigning America’s High Schools ……………………………….………………..…...…8
Improving School Attendance ……………………………….……………………………….8
Why Does Family Wealth Affect Learning? ………………………………………………....9
Discussion ……….…………………………………………………………………………….7
Conclusion ……….…………………………………………………………………………….9
APA References ........................................................................................................................10
Introduction Children form the future for the success of a nation. This understanding should not be sacrificed for the sake of the next generation through shortcomings currently present within the establishments of the educational process of the United States. Without guidance and properly implementing programs targeting the weakest, the good of the whole will be severely undermined requiring an ever-increasing amount of resources, both financially and service related, to be dedicated to the happiness and
References: Adelman, N., Guha, R., Padilla, C., & Stites, R. (2012). Evaluation of the California Linked Learning District Initiative ATI/ Reentry Coalition. (2010) The New York City ATI/ Reentry Coalition Service Report 2010 Burns, M. (2010). A’s and F’s for Charter Schools. Pacific Standard. Retrieved from Hoag, C. (2013). School Turnarounds a Controversial Tactic in Low-Income, Minority Communities Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (1998) Seattle Social Development Project: Project Overview Palmore, E. (1963). Factors Associated with School Dropouts and Juvenile Delinquency among Lower-Class Children (2013). Alliance for Excellent Education. September 2013. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education. (2013). Redesigning America’s High Schools. Retrieved from Virginia Department of Education. (2005). Improving School Attendance. Retrieved from Willingham, D. (2012). Why Does Family Wealth Affect Learning? American Educator. Spring 2012