Food and Diet * The two main emphases are Salmon and Caribou. * Since the range of the Athabaskans is so great, the diet changes between different groups. * Beaver is very important during the winter time because it has a high fat content and helps the Athabaskans avoid starvation. * During summer they collect berries and greens and store them in the winter to eat.
House Types * Vary Dramatically * Deghitan- They build semi subterranean log dwellings which have tunnel entry ways. * Koyukon and Tanana- Semi subterranean log dwellings built into the high banks of the Yukon and Tanana rivers. * Dena’ina- Semi subterranean dwellings with tunnel entry and the walls are made with logs and banked with earth. * Atna’- large plank house. * Gwich’in- portable, dome shaped caribou or moose skin tents. (summertime)
Tools and Technologies * Used stone implements for cutting and processing wood, skins and for making tools out of bone and antlers. * Distinctive for their use of bark.
Ex. Containers, roofs, vessels, bowls, and canoes. * They are masters of making and setting snares and deadfalls for capturing animals, from birds to bears.
Transportation * Birch Bark Canoes * Moose-Skin Coracles * Kayaks * Snowshoes * Sled Dogs * Tobaggan Sleds
Clothing and Decoration * Mostly made from Caribou Skin * Woman made the Clothing * Winter=Fur Summer=No Fur * Geometric Patterns made from porcupine quills, dentalium shells, dried berries, and seeds. * Lots of Fringes. * Infants were carried in a bark cradle board. * Facial tattoos
Social Organization