Meramec student Michelle Mitev has been a practicing Christian for the past four years. She was raised without a guided faith. She was drawn towards Christianity because “they were actually living out what they believe in.” It has been shown that demonstrating acts of kindness on a regular basis improve mood (Health Alert). When asked how often she expresses acts of kindness and what her motivation to do so is, Mitev responds “regularly and because its common courtesy.”
Another Meramec student, Zoe Lefebvre, classifies herself as an atheist. To her that means she “doesn’t believe that humans are on this earth to serve a higher being, nor that a higher being exists or created this world for us.” As a personal friend of Zoe, I can vouch that she is a very kind hearted person and demonstrates acts of kindness on a consistent daily basis. She feels “the need to be kind, or maybe [I don’t] feel the need to be unkind.”
Some faiths can be detrimental to relationships. Some could even go as far to say certain churches may be promoting hate groups. For example, the Westboro Baptist Church firmly believes that if you deviate from any of their “accepted” norms that “God hates you” and “you are going to hell”( WBC). The Westboro Baptist Church literally preaches hatred; Psalm 5:5 reads, "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity" (Holy Bible). The WBC uses this sort of
Cited: Happy. Dir. NAME OF DIRECTOR, DISTRIBUTOR, DATE, Documentary. Holy Bible. King James Text: Modern Phrased Version. New York: Oxford UP, 1980. Print. Isaacson, Walter. “Einstein” New York: Issacson 2007. Print. "Kohlberg 's Moral Stages." Kohlberg 's Moral Stages. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012. "ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE FOR THE SPIRITUAL TRAVELER: Why Take the Bible Seriously? Is Theism or Atheism More Violent?" Spirituality & Health Magazine Sept.-Oct. 2008. Academic OneFile. Web. 19 Nov. 2012. “Westboro Baptist Church” Web. 15 Nov. 2012 "Religious Aspects of the Current Israel/Palestine Crisis." If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.