Enzymes are biological catalysts (substances that speed up a chemical reaction without themselves being permanently altered)…
In the distressed world of the fifth century BC, Athenians struggled against a series of tyrants and their greatest rival to create a new form of government. After rule of tyrants of the aristocratic class and a struggle for power, Cleisthenes sided with the common people of Athens and brought the first democracy to existence. From then, democracy developed and flourished. As Athens was building the foundation of government, they had to live with the threat of war from Sparta, their greatest rival, and the Persian Empire. But since democracy had already taken route, it was soon to prove that in the long run, it could defeat the strongest forces.…
Democritus was a Greek Philosopher born 460 B.C. in the city of Abdera, and died 370 B.C. He was born into a wealthy family and traveled the world extensively. He was known as the “laughing” philosopher, or the “happy” philosopher because he would constantly mock people, and laugh incessantly about his own jibes. Throughout his life he wrote over 70 books, however very few pages have survived the years. Some have said that Democritus blinded himself to better understand his own mind,however, because he had over 70 writings these conceptions of Democritus have been discredited. Democritus studied natural philosophy under his mentor Leucippus, who had a huge affect on Democritus's writings and publications as they were very similar to Leucippus own theories. It is difficult to distinguish whose theories belonged to who because very few documents have survived. However Democritus has been credited with most of them. His major contributions to science is his atomic theory,which was the basis on which modern atomic theory was developed.(http://www.iep.utm.edu/democrit/)…
If there was one thing Sparta wanted out of the Peloponnesian War, it was to bring down Athens. Given Athens' rising strength and its ability to acquire an ever-larger navy of vessels from contributions paid by its dependents and allies, Sparta appeared to be concerned (Cartwright, 2018). As a matter of fact, Athens was becoming stronger and winning more and more wars thanks to its allies. Furthermore, Sparta believed that if nothing was done, Corinth, another major Greek state, was going to be forced to go along with Athens (Cartwright, 2018). When discussing ancient Greece, we frequently concentrate on Athens and Sparta, two of the principal towns.…
Ancient Athens has two documents that discuss democracy. The first one is “Document A: Pericles” and the other one is “Document B: The The Athenian Constitution”. In document A, I found that is truly democratic because your social class is not allowed the interfere with someone's merit. For example, if you’re poor you’re still able to serve the state or be part of the government. In document A it also states that “you get equal justice.” And that’s the way it should be. The constitution favor many people instead of few people. It seems fair and gives equality to all regardless of social class.…
The country of Greece, in 507 BC, was established with the idea of democracy. It…
Throughout the past and present, human beings have had a natural tendency to believe they are better than average. The people of Athens were certainly no exception. They wanted to believe that they were the best humanity had to offer. The Athenians valued freedom and for every man to fulfill his own life and desires in peace. They claimed their sense of independence was balanced out through the fact that everyone upheld fair and just laws. They prided themselves on not sacrificing their individual identities (as the Spartans did) for the sake of military discipline and superiority. They ultimately held themselves as the pinnacle of versatility, a city full of people who were jack-of-all-trades. But the reality fell quite short of the perception.…
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and chairperson. Before I begin, I would like to point out some imperfections in the previous speaker's case. She mentioned that........ (insert first rebuttal point) Also, she made the allegation that..... (insert second rebuttal point).…
“If we do go to war, have no thought that you went to war over a trivial affair” (Thucydides, in Hunt 101). The Peloponnesian War lasted longer than any other pervious war in Greece. The war began in 431 BCE with Sparta’s invasion of Athens. The Athenians sacrificed the destruction of their private property in order to hide in the safety of their city. The Long Walls of Athens protected its citizens and preserved its population. The Spartans however had the upper hand in infantry while the Athenians were superior at sea. With the aid of Persia, Sparta eventually defeats Athens at Syracuse in 404 BCE after a continuous twenty-seven years at war (Hunt 104). The creation of the Delian League, the reign of Pericles, the aggravation of Corinth, and the refusal to negotiate made Athens the sole instigator for the long and violent Peloponnesian War.…
Sparta then prepared for war against Athens. As war broke out Athens began to fall and lose the war. Mainly because they were better fighters on water and not on land. Unlike the Spartans who were the best at fighting on the land.…
Greek democracy was in some way unfair. There were many both fair and unfair things about Ancient Greece. One unfair thing was that only males who were citizens were allowed to vote, no women, no men who weren’t citizens. That was unfair. Mainly men had power over everything and to me that was unfair. One fair thing is that all men were treated equally in some way. Just because you were “poor” or not extremely rich didn’t mean that you could not have a job. Slaves were used. Peasants were used. The image in document 3 shows a photo or drawing on pottery of slaves working really hard at their job and peasants at a market. This goes to show a fair side of Greece. Greek democracy was very lenient towards their military. They even paid their military…
In 480 and the years prior the Athenians and Spartans, banned together to defeat the Persian Army. The Spartans stand at Thermopylae, allowed the Athenians time to prepare, and ultimately allowed the victory. With both of these great city-states located so close together in Hellas, there differences would ultimately lead to dissension. Throughout the course of this paper, I hope to explain the reasoning behind the dissension between Sparta and Athens, made war between these former allies inevitable.…
“The Restoration of the Athenian Empire” Our walls are crumbling and our fleet is minute. We here in Athens are unable to collect tribute from other city-states and are often in threat of being attacked. Our fleet is defenseless and weak. The Democratic fraction, propose that we spend our time and hard earned money on the rebuilding of our walls and fleet. That way Athens can dangerously collect tributes from other Greek city-states. The Democrats also would like to commence in hazardous military voyages with our insubstantial navy. Hoping the result brings forth great rewards.…
Ancient Athens was not truly democratic. First off, democracy is a system of government in which power is invested in the people who rule either directly or through freely elected represenative. An example of democracy; You have two treats, the dogs can pick only one treat to eat. I will let them both pick, and not only one. Democracy is equal. Ancient Athens wasn’t.…
Democracy surfaced in Greece around 500 B.C. This is what is known as rule by people or rule by all. It was developed by the Athens by K and others. It was based on the principle that all citizens of the city-state of Athens had right to attend…