“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
“Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either [aristocracy or monarchy]. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”
It is the year 2010. Democracy has become so successful that countries who 've enjoyed it are trying to share the good news with countries without it (along with hot sausage Mcmuffins). Unfortunately, these moronic, ungrateful, stone-age jerk-offs either refuse that generous gift out of arrogance or are too stupid to put it together correctly (it 's not like …show more content…
For the first time, it appears as though democracy truly has a shot. The British actually surrendered to the American revolutionaries and those who remained in opposition exiled themselves! Talk about a clean break! As most now in modern times, this is not the usual case in revolutions. Even the supposedly peace-loving and wimpy French were chopping off heads in the name of democracy. There 's always the Greeks right? Sadly, the esteemed Athenian democracy met its ends through the violence and civil war it had allowed to fester throughout it 's reign. However, America is different – not simply due to apple pie and barbecue – but like most great achievements, due to impeccable timing. Had what 's now known as the United States been colonized centuries prior when Europe was still trudging through the Feudal Ages, democracy would almost certainly falter, especially in an emerging nation. And regardless of the ascribed poverty of our country 's childhood, most of the founding fathers came from wealthy families that had a fair amount of social influence, and at worst, they were of a middle-merchant class. In addition, they were also working with an eden of resources and real estate. As the Prof. said and I paraphrase, "they would have to be pretty stupid to mess this up." Furthermore, this was post-renaissance and ideas like democracy and morally-rich thought had been …show more content…
This book illustrates how the common citizen of America is not a fan of the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor. This seems an effective book as almost any person I 've talked to about the economy republican or democrat, has said they aren 't happy about the fat-cats on wall-street getting richer while people lose their homes. I only read a few chapters and though it seems to be a bit right-wing biased, it still delivers enough truth and moral justice to merit citing and learning