The Negotiated Fares (Category 35) Ticketing and Reporting Data Application document assists carriers and systems in handling the many ticketing and reporting possibilities for fares that might be Net Remit, IT/BT fares, or other varieties of private fares. Appendix A of this document provides a step-by-step approach for auto-ticketing
fare combinations when each fare in that combination might have different ticketing information to be reported based on carrier data fields, such as that reported for Net Remit Method Type, Tour Code, Fare Box, Fare Calculation, and same or different carriers.
The two changes to Appendix A are:
1. Add provisions in a new table (Table 4) to help determine automated ticketing for fares in combination where the commission information to be reported from a data field for one carrier’s fare might be different than the information reported for another carrier’s fare. The new table would expand the current Appendix A references to the reporting of commission data from the carriers’ data fields to clearly define ticketing guidelines.
2. Add more examples in Table 5 (formerly Table 4) to describe ticketing options for the Fare Box or Fare Calculation area of the ticket for the same or different carriers where one fare is an IT or BT fare (fare amount not shown) and the other fare is shown as a more traditional explicit fare amount. These revisions will provide more examples to better illustrate the ticketing options.
These revisions do not change the original intent of the provisions in Appendix A, but rather provide more definitive examples and descriptions for these ticketing and reporting situations to assist the industry.
These proposed changes are highlighted in the pending Category 35 Ticketing and Reporting Data Application document which is available in the ATPCO Customer Center Reference Library. (Additional permission is required to access Data Application.)
Please review the documentation and submit the online Milestone 4 form no later than 22 July 2016.
Airline Tariff Publishing Company