Atropos in Greek mythology was one of the three Fates, goddesses of fate and destiny. The Roman equivalent to Atropos was Morta.
It was the job of Atropos to decide death and end the life of mortals by cutting their thread with her "abhorred shears."(Petre 1) Atropos was the oldest of the Three Fates, and was known as firm and unavoidable. Atropos has been a facet in numerous stories.
For example, Meleager was born to King Oeneus of Calydon and his wife Althaea. …show more content…
The Fates use a lottery to distribute the goods and bads of the world to every mortal born. In a bag are placed tokens of these goods and bads. Before a person is born a number of these tokens are drawn out. In a normal lottery this would be a random event. But in the case of the Fates their knowledge of the future and the past allow them to draw tokens that suit the divine plan of Zeus. A mortal can repeat the same process and this is sometimes done to enable the mortal to prophesy the future. But when a mortal does this the result is just a random selection. The only exception to this is when the mortal has obtained the favor of some deity. Then the deity has the power to cause the tokens to be drawn in a way that reveals true prophesy. Many priests and others have claimed to be able to secure the favor of a deity and obtain a true prophesy. The third fate is sometimes considered “Angle of Death” ()
The Fates were three unsightly but powerful sisters that have no definite derivation. Nevertheless they were honored by the gods and people that worshiped them. While the exact description of the Fates differs in certain eras or cultures, the three Fates embodied the inevitable fate for every human