SWOT Analysis
AT&T has many strengths that have made placed it number 12 in the Fortune 500 ranking. Its strengths include managing the nation’s largest Wi-Fi network and having a broad portfolio of complementary products and services that include but are not limited to wireless communication, long-distance services, telecommunications equipment, and video services. AT&T also offers wireless data coverage in more countries than any U.S. carrier, providing service in more than 200 countries.
For as many strengths as this company may have it is not free of weaknesses like any other company. One of the AT&T’s biggest weaknesses is low customer satisfaction, mainly due to the congested wireless services which prevent customers from getting service when they need it. Their bad reputation for service results in less customers. Furthermore, losing the exclusivity of the iPhone to Sprint has resulted in increasingly more competitive packages in the market.
There are many opportunities available for growth and improvement for AT&T. The most valuable opportunity is the merge with T-Mobile. Another opportunity for growth is to reconsolidate a partnership with Apple iPhone products exclusivity. The company will enjoy higher customer satisfaction and their customer loyalty by providing less
References: AT&T Website. Company Information. Retrieved October 12, 2011, from: http://www.att.com/gen/investor-relations?pid=5711 Encyclopedia of Business (2ed). Corporate identity. From http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Con-Cos/Corporate-Identity.html