In this essay I will attempt to answer the question, what is Religious Education? I feel that this question can be interpreted in many different ways, and by so many people. What I am going to try to do is explain what Religious Education means to me. Before beginning this course I could have answered this question in one or two sentences. It would have gone a bit like this, “Religious Education, or RE as it is more commonly known, is the way in which children are taught about the work and life of Jesus and God by teachers”. To say this is a basic answer is an understatement! However, in many ways I think this is a good point from which to start.
During this course I have examined many aspects of religion; the Jewish Religion and its Scriptures, into which Jesus was born. I have examined the earliest documented testaments to Jesus and his teachings, death and resurrection contained in The New Testament. I have studied The Church which formed after Jesus’ resurrection. I also studied the Sacraments which are a continuation of Jesus’ mission and the Christian Morality which arise from His teaching. From each module I have came to the conclusion that faith in Jesus Christ and his teachings is essential when considering what Religious Education (RE) is. The essential features of our life of faith is a life led according to the ideals of the heart of the Gospel; the Kingdom of God. A life supported by an ever abiding Holy Spirit and a life which journeys towards God. Christian ways of life brings meaning to life, hope to the world and is very relevant in today’s world. (Life Light notes Page 2)
Having read through the notes on this module and studying several other texts it has been made clear that most authors of these books cannot commit to stating a clear and concise definition of what Religious Education (RE) is. Kevin Nichols, author of Cornerstone and a one-time National Advisor on
Bibliography: • B L MARTHALER, ‘Religious Education’ in the New Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vol 17. • JOHN PAUL II, Catechehesi Tradendae, 1978, nn 1-9; 18-25. • A P PURNELL, SJ , Our Faith Story, Collins,1985, pp 1-21. • K NICHOLS, Cornerstones, ST Pauls, 1978, Pg 18. • Life-Light Study notes Module 7: Introduction to Religious Education • The Jerusalem Bible • University notes.