ISSN: 2277 128X
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper Available online at:
An Attendance Monitoring System Using Biometrics Authentication
Seema Rao, Prof.K.J.Satoa CSE,CSVTU Chhattisgarh, India Abstract- Biometric technology that involves the identification and verification of individuals by analyzing the human fingerprint characteristics has been widely used in various aspect of life for different purposes, most importantly as regards this study the issue of employee attendance. The main aim of this paper is to develop an accurate , fast and very efficient automatic attendance system using fingerprint verification technique. We propose a system in which fingerprint verification is done by using extraction of minutiae technique and the system that automates the whole process of taking attendance, The study was conducted using a quantitative approach by designing a questionnaire as the data collection instrument based on fingerprint matching biometric technologies. The survey involved 6 employees based on stratified random sampling technique. The results however show that fingerprint biometric identifier was found suitable for the employee attendance management system of the organization. Keywords: Biometrics , fingerprint ,employee attendance , identifier ,etc . 1. Introduction In many institutions and organization the attendance is very important factor for various purposes and its one of the important criteria that is to follow for students and organization employees. The previous approach in which manually taking and maintains the attendance records was very inconvenient task. After having these issues in mind we develop an automatic attendance system which automates the whole process of taking attendance and maintaining it.We already know about some commonly used biometric techniques are used for objective identification ,verification are
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