Rasmussen College by Timothy Vahle
Author’s Note:
This paper was written for Dennis Tollefson’s B333 course on January 27, 2013. Employee attendance standards for companies are not a new thing. They differ from business to business, but they are all in place for the same purpose: to ensure the delivery of superior products and services to its customers. Without employees present, or free to come and go as they choose, consistency suffers. Order timelines are not met; customers are left waiting and as a result go to someone else who may provide for them what they need. Banks are no different in their desire to provide superior services. Greenback Bank maintains this standard and its expectation for its employees is outlined below: At Greenback Bank, attendance is essential for the delivery of superior products and services to its customers. As a part of Greenback’s desire to see such expectations delivered, certain privileges have been afforded to its employees in regard to regular excused time off. Employees have plenty of opportunities for excused absences and these opportunities include vacation, personal compensation time, floating holidays and FMLA. Any other absences are considered violations of this policy and are met with penalties and consequences. Anytime an employee is aware of being late or absent to work for their assignment during a regular scheduled workday, they must contact their supervisor and notify them of both the reason for being absent and when they plan to return. Failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action or termination. During a twelve month period an employee is allowed twelve points beyond the allotted time given for excused absences. A point is reserved for those who call in unexcused for any reason. The following actions will take place according to the number of points that an employee receives. 5th – Oral Written Warning 11th – 3-day Unpaid Suspension 7th – Written Warning
References: Cameron, K. & Whetten, D. (2011). Developing Management Skills (8th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. The HR Specialist: Employment Law. (2008, August). Attendance Policies: Controlling Employment without Breaking the Law. Retrieved February 17, 2013, from http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com/5461/attendance-policies-control-absenteeism-without-breaking-the-law