Courage is characterized as mental or moral strength to surpass notions of fear. As demonstrated by Atticus Finch and Mrs Dubose in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the development of courage gives the character’s strength and courage to hold their heads high, while fearing none. Harper Lee depicts the theme of courage incalculable amount of times, detailing courage as “ when you know you’re licked before you being, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” (Chapter 11, Page 124) All of the characters have an alternate kind of perspective of what courage is exactly, which will be examined in depth.…
even though the most of the town was against Tom. Atticus also showed courage by not…
Atticus demonstrates courage when he defends Tom Robinson even though he knew that they were going to lose the case simply because Tom was black. In the book to Kill a Mockingbird A man named Atticus defends a black man named Tom Robinson; Atticus is defending this man in court because he was accused of raping a white women even though he did not do it. Atticus talks to scout right before the trial when it starts surfacing at school and Atticus states “‘ This case Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to essence of a man's conscience- Scout I couldn't go to church and worship God if I did not try and help that man”’ (Lee pg.139). Atticus knew that if he did not help Tom then that would be on his conscience forever. Atticus knew that he would not be able to even live with himself if he did not at least try and help Tom because that was the right thing to do. Another case is when Atticus is talking to Link Deas when a group of men came to The Finches house to talk to Atticus, He says “ Link that boy might go to the chair but he’s not going until the truth is told” Atticus’s voice was even “ And you know what the truth is” (Lee pg 195). This shows that Atticus will make sure that the truth will be told no matter what it cost him because he wants the people to know the truth- that Tom did not actually rape that girl. Atticus is a man who will always do the right thing even if it is not going to benefit him because that is the kind of man he is, someone who would not stand for discrimination just because of their skin color.…
An example of Atticus displaying courage is when he was left alone in the police station, guarding Tom Robinson, and the lynching mob came. When they asked if Tom was in there, he answered, "'You can turn around and go home"'(151). Having no fear for his own safety, he remained calm and tried to avoid the horrible future that awaited Robinson. It took a lot of bravery, physical and emotional, because Mr. Finch knew that he did not have a chance of going against all those people. He also demonstrated his valor when Tim Robinson, Tom's dog , was suspected to have rabbis and quick actions had to be taken. Knowing that they only had one chance of killing it, the sheriff handed over the gun to Atticus. Scout narrates, "The rifle cracked ..He didn't know what hit him"(96).Even though he hadn't touched a gun in years, he had to put his fears aside and prepare to kill it. He knew that if he didn't, people would be in danger of getting bitten by the mad dog, It took a lot of guts because it was really risky, if he missed and the unwanted occurred, people would blame him for it. But Atticus managed to control his fears, making him a great candidate for the Lion o' Courage…
In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch shows courage by standing up for his beliefs and by respecting values that he does not share.…
He wanted Jem to get to know Mrs. Dubose not as an angry old lady but as a human being who has had a very tough life. Atticus is always polite to Mrs. Dubose, despite her rudeness. He is polite to everyone. The encounter Jem has with Mrs. Dubose’s flowers gives Atticus an opportunity to teach his children responsibility, but after her death he also lets them know why he considers her such a courageous person. After Jem destroys her flowers, Atticus has him go to read to her. He later explains that he wanted his children to see what real courage is. Sometimes courage is mental as well as physical. Mrs. Dubose was addicted to painkillers, and she wanted to wean herself off of them before she died. She was having Jem read to her so that she could have a distraction. Jem did not know any of this until later, but Atticus knew that he could explain it and Jem would understand. “You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew.” (112). Mrs. Dubose was an underdog. She was addicted to morphine, but she kicked the habit. What she did took immense courage. Atticus wanted his children to see that sometimes you can win an unwinnable fight, and sometimes just trying to win when it seems impossible is courageous. Atticus himself was facing an uphill battle that would require courage…
27) After visiting Mrs. Dubose for a month and learning that she passed away right after, Atticus touch Jem the values of courage. Atticus tells Jem that you have to see it all the way through no matter what and that you may not win at all but sometimes you do when just as Mrs. Dubose did. Jem saw Mrs. Dubose's conflict against addiction and it helped him become the gentleman who protects his younger sibling, Atticus my half touch on this lesson to help him get through the upcoming events. This lesson helped…
Atticus also demonstrates moral courage. Moral courage is the courage to take action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences. Courage is required to take action when one has doubts or fears about the consequences. Moral courage therefore involves careful thought and action. Atticus's moral and physical courage is evident when he makes the decision to stand guard over Tom Robinson alone at the jail. He risks his own personal safety when he faces the lynch mob though he claims that they only " 'might have hurt me a little.' (Lee…
In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, there is an array of countless problems that must be faced by the citizens of Maycomb. How did they respond? After all, as the town was told, it had nothing to fear but fear itself. At least the more intelligent responded courageously. Relentless determination and perseverance were the only option to keep everything together. One character who shows this is Atticus, who stands up for African Americans inside and outside of court. Even though he’s called names and threatened, he supports Tom and promotes equality. In this novel, courage is defined as standing up for what you believe in. Lee tries to convey the point that readers can improve society using courage. Atticus has real courage because he stands up for equality when he defends Tom, faces danger to protect others, and doesn’t stop when the town’s residents insult him.…
Initially, he sees courage purely as being daring and taking risks, as shown in the fact that, “In all his life, Jem had never turned down a dare” (Lee ##). While Jem doesn’t necessarily stop thinking of this as courageous as he grows, he does realize that it is not the only way to express bravery. For example, Atticus shooting the mad dog had a major effect on Jem, especially at his young, impressionable age of ten. For the weeks following, Jem saw Atticus in a completely different light; instead of being just their father, he became the deadest shot in Maycomb county. Atticus was Jem’s personal epitome of bravery simply for holding a gun and facing the mad dog. This new encounter expanded upon his previous ideas and helped him to grow in his morality. Another clear example where Jem underwent moral growth in regards to courage is his experience with Mrs. Dubose. Though his visits felt torturous at the time, it is undeniable that Jem took away valuable moral lessons. When explaining to the children why he made them read to Mrs. Dubose, Atticus says, “I wanted you to see what real courage is… it's when you know you're licked before you begin anyway but you see it through no matter what” (Lee 149). Throughout the remainder of the novel, Jem is seen applying this concept to every obstacle he encounters. When he and Scout are attacked by r. Ewell, Jem does not think twice about putting his life on the line for his sister.Though he ends up badly hurt, Jem shows no regret after the incident. The fact that Jem was willing to potentially risk his life exemplifies his growth as a character. Even though Jem doesn’t abandon his earlier beliefs about courage, the addition of this final belief is what gives him the morality of a young adult. To summarize, Jem’s ideas about bravery do not change; instead, they build on top of one another to form…
** This quote is said by Atticus to Jem. It shows how wise Atticus is. He knows real courage comes with being a good person, and he wants his kids to grow up with as many respectable qualities of good people as possible. Atticus is not naive enough to just think courage is found in a man with a gun, but is found when one does something they do not want to.…
While Scout and Francis are talking Francis says in direction to Atticus “He’s nothing’ but a n***** lover.” (110). Francis is portrayed as a bully, yet boring when he is first introduced, and Scout in order to save her father's reputation challenges him. She gets in a fight, because she knows that Atticus is doing the right thing. Jem doesn’t understand why Atticus would take the case and asks him, “If you shouldn’t be defendin him, then why are you doing it.” (105). Atticus is known as honest, and willing to do anything he deems just. He shows his bravery very modestly, and stands up for Tom against the racism of the county. In addition, when Aunt Alexandra is talking to Atticus about his mood after the case, he says, “There’ll be an appeal, you can count on that.” (284). Atticus will show his courage in the way he mentions with Jem, and he promises he will go back to court to free Tom. He is fighting a lost battle again, and shows his courage because of this. Using the characters ideas that come along with them, and the author uses this to show the courage in the characters.…
Have you ever caught yourself reading a book and wondering what a certain character portrays? While reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the topic of courage sprang upon the discussion. Courage to Atticus FInch is “When you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” Although facing massive struggles, Atticus displays the most courage throughout the book, when he faces obstacles that stand in his way in order to set the correct examples for his children.…
Moral courage is when one has the moral strength to stand up for what he or she believes to be right. This type of courage is best shown by Atticus; a lawyer and the father of both Scout and Jem. After Christmas, Scout overhears Atticus talking to her uncle Jack about the upcoming trial. “Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand,” Atticus explains to Jack (Lee 117). Atticus understands that he will lose the Tom Robison case simply because people are prejudiced and racist. Furthermore Atticus knows that the existing prejudice and racism in his community will cause the people to judge him and his family. Despite the social consequences Atticus decides to ignore the opinions of other and to do what he knows to be right. He explains the reasoning behind his choice when Jem and Scout ask him why he would defend Tom when everyone else says that it is wrong. He tells them that “before [he] can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself” (Lee 140). Atticus realises that his own moral values are more important that the opinions of others. Atticus defends Tom because he knows that it is the right thing to do, and he has the moral courage to deal with the…
Most of the characters in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", written by Harper Lee, show the theme of courage in different ways. Courage is a difficult virtue for people to emulate in real life. Some believe that courage is when people have strong bodies and hearts. Others would say it is when people tell the truth directly instead of avoiding it. In this novel, Atticus Finch, Mrs. Dubose , and Boo Radley are similar in their courageous attitudes by taking multiple risks to stand up for innocent people while they are different in how they demonstrate their courage ; Atticus Finch announces his courage when he stands for what he believes…