Here he was thinking the well groomed lawyer was siding with him merely for the pay to come, but this opened something else for him. “ Mr. Atticus, sir” said Tom, “Even though I’m probably off to jail, I want you know you did your best, and if I ever get out. I’ll remember you, sir.” Atticus smiled gingerly “It was my honor, sir” The doors thundered open, and the court room fell quiet. After hearing both sides of the story, the judge ruled guilty, and sentenced to life in jail. Tom handed Atticus a strange looking lockette. “Give this to my wife, she’ll need it, and thank you again, Atticus” Tears stinged Atticus’ eyes. “You’re welcome sir, and I will, I promise.” And like that, the police came in and took Tom Robinson away, and with him, a piece of Atticus’ nice, kindly, warm-hearted
Here he was thinking the well groomed lawyer was siding with him merely for the pay to come, but this opened something else for him. “ Mr. Atticus, sir” said Tom, “Even though I’m probably off to jail, I want you know you did your best, and if I ever get out. I’ll remember you, sir.” Atticus smiled gingerly “It was my honor, sir” The doors thundered open, and the court room fell quiet. After hearing both sides of the story, the judge ruled guilty, and sentenced to life in jail. Tom handed Atticus a strange looking lockette. “Give this to my wife, she’ll need it, and thank you again, Atticus” Tears stinged Atticus’ eyes. “You’re welcome sir, and I will, I promise.” And like that, the police came in and took Tom Robinson away, and with him, a piece of Atticus’ nice, kindly, warm-hearted