I saw them and ran too them and told them I was running away from town they saw my big sac and asked what it was I told them, Justus says he is coming with me and I refused and he sits back down. We have a group hug and I left into the wasteland. I was exhausted and have only walked for twenty-five minutes, I was almost half way done with my supplies too so I decided too set up camp and go to sleep before sleeping I prayed to Felicitas the god of success so I can succeed in this journey. I was woken up by a sound of galloping horses so I went outside too look and it was a coach, I ran to the coach and the man hopped out to feed his horses so I snuck into the storage and stole some bread and water I knew it came from a different part of egyptus because only egyptus exported bread. I hope he didn’t see me; I ran to my base and than packed up and head out to try to find a village. He walks and walks for an hour and all he sees is and snake and a couple of …show more content…
I didn’t reply and they said okay, and they went to the side again later came back too me and told me I was getting executed for running away. My heart dropped and I started crying when I saw Justus crying from far away. They didn’t tell me the date or how I was going to get executed, so I wasn’t ready for anything. I was too scared too do anything eat, sleep, or drink after a couple of days they called me and told me I was going to get executed in 2 days. I tried coming up with something to try too run away but I couldn’t think properly, days passed like seconds and the guards came and took me away blindfolded me and walked me to the Coliseum of Caesar I knew it was the Coliseum of Caesar because he was the richest man of my village and I could hear the crowd roaring oh, wait that sounds more like a lion I thought, I blanked out and next thing you know I’m in front of an huge lion with minimal gear and I llok around and see men and women separated than the lion rushes up to me and I try stabbing the but he bites my leg and I start bleeding out and there I