The Trial of Tom Robinson. He is an African American man who was accused of raping 19 year old Mayella Ewell. Atticus knew he was going to lose. He said himself as his daughter Scout asked “Atticus are we gonna win?” Atticus replied with “No Honey.” Atticus knew his town better than most and how many people are set in their ways. The jury wasn’t going to change their mind no matter how much evidence was there. Atticus still brought forth his best effort to win the trial. He may not have won but every …show more content…
person inside the courtroom knew Tom Robinson was not guilty.
The people within the town of Maycomb strongly disapproved of Atticus Finch defending Tom Robinson.
Children at school would tease and taunt Scout for it. This lead to her questioning Atticus “Do all lawyers defend n-negro’s, Atticus?” she asked. “Of course they do Scout” He replied. Quickly she then said “Why did Cecil say you defended negro’s?” His response was “Because I am simply defending a negro.” Atticus was explaining that they are people that need to be defended too, it’s just most people don’t like it when African Americans are being defended. Atticus’s own sister called him wretched names and said he was ruining the family. Soon after Atticus found himself sitting in front of the courthouse trying to stop the angry Mob of guys coming to kill Tom. His own family and friends turned against him but he still continued fighting for Tom because Atticus knew it was the right thing to
Soonafter, Atticus lost the trial, Bob Ewell, father of Mayella Ewell, a drunk, caught Atticus outside the post office “This morning Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest of his life.” Atticus thought nothing of it afterwards because he thought Bob would have stopped. Atticus may have had strange feelings that something would happen. Bob was bothering people from the trial. He followed Helen Robinson, Tom’s Wife, as she walked to work everyday. Bob had also tried to fight Atticus but it didn’t bother Atticus. Then one night as the kids were walking home from a school Christmas pageant. Bob Ewell tried attacking the children and ended up dead. Jem, Atticus’s son, had a very badly broken arm. Atticus, is still defending anyone and everyone who gets put on his case.
Being courageous is what Atticus knows best. He is a Lawyer. He shows it by defending Tom knowing he was going to lose. His own family and town disapproved of him doing it, but he defended Tom anyways. Bob Ewell attacked his children and he is still a lawyer. Atticus Finch is the definition of Courageous.