Attila the Fear-Inducing Conqueror
Evan Court
Ms. Lingley
History 10 DP
Intro This investigation is on the extent of the influence that Attila the Hun had on Europe to strengthen its defences. My main form of investigation is to argue that he did not actually influence them to fortify their defences at all, resulting in the Huns taking over most of Europe. The majority of the places that Attila the Hun attacked cowered and ran away, with the only exception was that of a wall erected around the city of Orleans, yet he still managed to take that city before he died from a fatal nosebleed (choking on his own blood) in 453 AD.
Word Count: 103
Summary of Evidence There is much evidence concerning Attila’s influence on ancient Europe. One of the most influential attacks, which provided some of the best evidence on the topic, was his attack on Rome in 443 AD, breaking their then current peace treaty. After he began his attack, many of the Roman soldiers began to flee, fearing their lives. He killed those who stayed and hunted down the ones that fled, killing them as well. Attila had also earned himself the title of “Fear of the World,” a fitting title for one who inspired not defensive strategies but fear and cowardice. This is proven by the fact that the only thing the Huns did in order to take land was murder nearly anyone who got in their way and destroyed many villages, making them more destroyers of civilizations rather than builders. This was further emphasized when the Huns marched through Gaul, killing anyone who got in their way, pillaging villages, and spreading fear. This behaviour is what earned Attila his previously mentioned title, “Fear of the World.” Attila was also named with another title before his “Fear of the World” title. This name shows