Near 50% of the population in Europe lived at a subsistence level. Due to this there were many different attitudes towards the poor in Europe from 1450-1700. Many people will have different attitudes but I will narrow it down to the Royals who tend to have negative attitudes, the Church authorities who have positive attitudes and the common folk, and show their views and responses.
Most of the negatives attitudes come from people of high government positions. One says that “Idleness is harmful to the public good and should not be tolerated. Idlers should not be considered as poor. This person also believes that people who are unwilling to work should not live in the city (Doc 5). A Spanish humanist says that those living under the subsistence level are forced to thievery, prostitution, and sorcery. He also says that people feel obligated to give the poor money but don’t, some are …show more content…
He doesn’t openly mock the poor probably because he said these things in a book that is available to everyone and didn’t want to receive unfriendly feedback. A poorhouse regulation in England was that every “young rogue” would receive 6 stripes on bare skin and every one older will receive 12. Everyone who returned will “be corrected oftener and given heavier shackles, a thinner diet, and harder labor until they are brought to reasonable obedience and submission to the master of the poorhouse” (Doc 7). This regulation basically says that anyone who is poor will be whipped and forced out of poverty, and if you stay in poverty the punishment will become more and more extreme. This is probably to discourage laziness and