There is a question mark regarding the ratio analysis of Indianola Pharmaceutical Company. Comparing the current year ratio with the previous three years and the current industry ratio does not produce identical figures. There are a lot of inconsistencies between the current year ratios and the current industry ratio. Based on the ratio analysis provided, it is reasonable to conclude that there is a high financial reporting risk in the balance sheet of Indianola Pharmaceutical Company. Current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations. Current ratio is about a firm’s ability to use its short-term assets to pay back the short-term liabilities. A higher current ratio means the company is more capable in paying its obligations. There are many reasons as to why the company is experiencing a low current ratio. It could be because the company is having trouble getting paid on their receivables or have a long inventory turnover. Another liquidity ratio that needs to be
There is a question mark regarding the ratio analysis of Indianola Pharmaceutical Company. Comparing the current year ratio with the previous three years and the current industry ratio does not produce identical figures. There are a lot of inconsistencies between the current year ratios and the current industry ratio. Based on the ratio analysis provided, it is reasonable to conclude that there is a high financial reporting risk in the balance sheet of Indianola Pharmaceutical Company. Current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations. Current ratio is about a firm’s ability to use its short-term assets to pay back the short-term liabilities. A higher current ratio means the company is more capable in paying its obligations. There are many reasons as to why the company is experiencing a low current ratio. It could be because the company is having trouble getting paid on their receivables or have a long inventory turnover. Another liquidity ratio that needs to be