Auditor’s Independence:
A Study on ACNABIN, Chartered Accountants
Auditor’s Independence
A Study on ACNABIN-Chartered Accountants Firm
Table of Content
CHAPTERS PARTICULARS PAGES Chapter -1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Background 1.3 Scope of the Study 1.4 Objectives of the Study 1.5 Methodology of the Study 1.6 Limitation of the Study Chapter-2 Literature Review 2.1 DEFINITION OF AUDIT 2.2 Understanding Independence 2.3 Auditor’s Independence 2.4 Types of Auditor’s Independence 2.5 Auditor’s Independence in Fact & in Appearance Chapter-3 Profile of the Organization 3.1 Firm’s Profile – ACNABIN Chapter-4 Issues that Impairs Auditor’s Independence 4.1 Business Relationships - BSA(Para: 290.132) 4.2 Financial Relationship - BSA(Para: 290.104) 4.2.1 Investments in Audit Clients 4.2.2 Other Financial Relationships 4.3 Employment Relationship – BSA(Para: 290.143) 4.3.1 Employment of Accountant by Audit Client 4.3.2 Employment at the Audit Firm of a Former Employee of the Audit Client 4.4 Family & Personal Relationships – BSA(Para: 290.135) 4.5 Recent Services with Assurance Clients- BSA(Para: 290.146) 4.6 Servicing as Officer or Director on the Board of Assurance Client - BSA (Para: 290.149) 4.7 Non-audit Service– BSA(Para: 290.158) 4.7.1 Bookkeeping and Other 4.7.2 Appraisal or Valuation Services or Fairness Opinions 4.7.3 Actuarial Services 4.7.4 Management Functions 4.7.5 Human Resources 4.7.6 Broker-Dealer Services 4.8 Internal Audit Services – BSA (Para: 290.181) 4.19 Legal Services– BSA (Para: 290.196)
Chapter-5 Analysis and Hypothesis Test on Certain Issues 5.1 Client Relationships in Purchasing Auditor-Provided NAS Hypothesis Development 5. 2.1 Relation between Audit Firm Tenure and NAS 5.2.2 Relation between Alumni Affiliation and NAS
References: International Accounting Standards Baker, R., 2005 Auditor Independence – General Sarbanes Oxley Act, 2002; ICAB 2000, CLERP 9, 2004 and Corporations Act 2001.