“Music is all around; all you have to do is listen.” Quoted Evan Taylor in the ending scene of August Rush. August Rush was a boy who discovered the power of music in his journey to find his parents. His giftedness was a useful tool in his accomplishments, that can be seen throughout the movie. His giftedness did not guarantee success in that he would need the right resources, motivation, and a little hardwork obtain it.
To begin with, giftedness can’t guarantee success, if the right resources are not available. Resources allow you to recognize your giftedness, so without them your giftedness is not recognized, and therefore, success is not obtainable. Resources are the key to success. The boys home that Evan Taylor lived in, before his removal, did not offer the resources for him to channel his giftedness. In August Rush, Evan Taylor was given many resources, after his removal from the boys’ home, in which he ended up in a church with a piano, a theatre full of street kid performers, and facing the opportunity to take classes at Julliard. The classes at Julliard enabled him to obtain the ability to compose a piece inspired by all the sounds he has heard and believes will lead him to his parents. At Julliard, August’s talent was truly acknowledged and set free, but it was first discovered when he encountered the street kids. With all these resources he was able to embrace his gift and share it with the world. The resources that he acquired on his journey prompted his growth in his naturally gifted music abilities.
Secondly, guaranteed success from giftedness, I believe requires motivation. A person who seems to be naturally gifted cannot be guaranteed success, if they do not want success. A person who is naturally gifted and is motivated will achieve success because they want success. August Rush had motivation, so therefore he achieved success in the movie. His motivation was to find his parents, from whom he was disconnected