Auguste Mariette’s excavation methods in clearing the site were inconsistent in terms of whether they were good or bad but most of his methods were well done. Some of his attempts of clearing the site were somewhat crude whereas other attempts were reasonably well done. In ‘The Monuments of Upper Egypt’, written by Auguste Mariette in 1877, Mariette states “In blowing up the debris with gunpowder, we discovered a human mummy”. This primary source is evidence of the crude methods of his attempts of clearing a site. The expression ‘blowing up’ suggests that he was reckless. The blowing up method was used in his first discovery, so this question arises, was this reckless clearing method due to inexperience?
Mariette did, however, clear the sands around the Sphinx down to the bare rock, and in the process discovered the famous granite and alabaster monument. This showed a different side of Mariette in terms of clearing a site. This time, Mariette cleared the site thoroughly. Furthermore, Mariette hired quite a few workmen in his excavations. This showed his dedication to the discoveries he made.
Auguste Mariette located his first excavation site by chance. He became interested in Saqqara whilst studying Egyptology and this attraction led him to the ancient burial ground in Egypt. This is where he discovered the Sphinx, Serapeum and other tombs and temples. It was not his intention to discover these ancient monuments but by chance, things turned out pretty well for him. Mariette examined thoroughly through the tombs and