The debate of increasing Australia’s refugee intake has created much controversy which condemns migrants for contributing to an increase in crime rates. This issue has stirred much debate within the Australian media with certain individuals believing this conviction to be true, others such as Sinclair Davidson seek to elucidate the manipulative nature of authorities who he deems, are advantageously using this topic of concern to garner support for their notion to lower migration intakes and ensure a ‘small-Australia’. His stance is shared in his editorial ‘Refugee crime wave nothing but hogwash’ (ABC News, 26/05/11) where he adopts an assertive and skeptical tone to highlight the injustice demonstrated towards migrants from how the government is attempting to achieve their goal.
The iniquity which migrants must tolerate is reinforced by the accompanying photograph which visually appeals to the audience’s sense of justice. Although the depicted individuals are communicating cheerfully, their gloomy surrounding hints to the audience of their desolate situation. They are placed within a spotlight which contrasts the ominous dark background that symbolizes their isolation. This reflects Davidson’s unstated view that refugees are discriminated by society as scapegoats to ventilate frustration over their (increasing) numbers. Furthermore, the lack of possessions except for clothing and a rusty tin plate portrays the group of four as poor and requiring aid. In addition, the darkness conveys a sense of hopelessness to readers and may cause them to express great sympathy for refugees. Thus from the candid imagery presented by this picture, the audience may become more understanding of Davidson’s contention.
The title immediately captures the writer’s contention, namely as it is evident he disparages the rumour of migrants increasing crime rates as ‘hogwash’. In exemplifying that the refugee ‘crime wave’ is simply another immoral