What is 'Australian Indigenous epistemology' according to Indigenous academics?
Background information-Knowledge means idea or information and data related to something. Basically there are two types of knowledge. They are explicit and implicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is also known as propositional knowledge. It refers to knowledge about something. Example, knowledge about how to swim. Tacit knowledge is also called as objectified knowledge. Whereas, there is tacit knowledge also which means ability knowledge. It also refers as subjective knowledge. For example to practice swimming in water, refer to embodied knowledge.
Epistemology means theory of knowledge. There are mainly two types of theory about knowledge …show more content…
Ways of knowing- In order to provide knowledge small kids are asked to use the nature such as sand to draw pictures of natural entities like reptiles, animals and birds, so that they remember their image and can relate those image to those entities. Knowledge is acquired and produced again through different process of listening, viewing, reviewing, reading, watching, waiting, observing, exchanging, sharing, conceptualizing, assessing, modeling, engaging and applying. It also includes the process which permits expansion and compression in terms of social, political, historical and structural aspects of the individuals, groups and communications with …show more content…
Ways of Being-
Ways of being has been categorized into three parts. They are Embodiment, relatedness and Reciprocity.
1. Being is Embodiment- Integration is the key aspect of indigenous group. Some of the scholar named it as ‘essence of origins’ and some called as ‘essence of spirit’. Ancestors were believed to have taken birth into different origins and they have left their main idea and root due those basic laws which is required where life is present (cited in Rose, 1996). Indigenous observes and feel that nature is part of human being and human being is also the part of nature and they are integrated to each other. Thus they have spiritual relationship (cited in Neidjie, David and Fox, 1985).
2. Being is Reciprocal- Identity is very important to human being, which is obtained through education, name, location, engagement in life, meditation and interpretation. All the organisms are responsible towards each other for their action. One has to understand its interdependent relationships to be who they are..
3. Being is Related- One of the main aspect of Ways of being is relatedness. Physical and sacred both are included in relatedness. Our relationship will set up our roles and obligation towards people and communities and confirm the reciprocity of roles and responsibility indigenous people have for each other ( La Donna, Harris,