Good afternoon year 11. Today I’m here to talk to you about how my understanding of the aspects of belonging have changed through my studying of the two written texts, namely china coin by Allan Baillie and educating Rita by willy Russel. All of you will study these texts in year 12.
Before I start I want to ask you, would you belong to a place without your friends. Belonging is not just a defined word in the dictionary it often means more. Before, I thought belonging meant being part of the same culture or sharing the same religion until I studied these two texts which changed my opinion of belonging. Belonging means to have a feeling of connection, or acceptance to other people, places or groups and sharing believes and interest. That place of connection can be our school.
Each of us have Aspects of belonging that shape us, whether it be personal or social. Do we belong to this school because of the logo that’s on our uniforms or classes? Or is it our friends that make us belong?
In both books the aspects of belonging that are explored are acceptance and relationships.
The social context of belonging that’s explored within the play educating Rita discusses acceptance. The group that Rita used to belong in rejects her as she’s different and aspires to acquire an education. This forces Rita to search for another group to belong to, as she doesn’t feel a connection to her previous friends.
As Rita’s education progresses, we see her internal conflict deepen as she finds herself even further removed from a sense of belonging either with her family and friends, or with frank’s friends, or the fulltime students.
Do any of you sometimes feel as if you don’t belong to a place or a group? Rita is placed within a similar circumstance. This allows the audience to empathize with her, enabling us to grasp