Table of Contents Population Culture Tradition Way of Life Vegetation and Animal Life History Religion Arts Language Education Health Government Climate Trade Resources Agriculture Bibliography
Austria, a small country in Central Europe famous for its gorgeous mountain scenery. The towering Alps, and the foothills stretch across the western, southern and central parts of the country. Broad green valleys, lovely mirror lakes and thick forest cover a good portion of the land. Austria with no coastline shares its surrounded borders with Liechtenstein and Switzerland to the west; Germany and the …show more content…
But Austrians have freedom of worship, Austria also has about
12,000 Jews, must of whom live in Vienna.
For quite some time Austria has been on the of the great cultural
European countries. Austria has made some outstanding achievements in architecture, literature, and painting. Austria's most famous and important contribution to the western culture has been music. During the late 1700,'s and early 1800's Austria has released many Great Composers like; Joseph Hayan,
Mozart, Schubert, Mahler, Wolf, and many more. Austria's state opera house presents opera 10 months of the year.
Architecture in Austria's has some of Europe's best examples of baroque architecture. This style has been dated back to the 1600's. Gold, marble, and wood has pleased the sense of many people. Painting and literature are also very important in Austria.
98% of the Austrian people speak German, the nation language. Different parts of the country speak various dialects of German. Only about a percent of the population speaks other languages. In Burgenland 24,000 people speak Serbo
Croation and Magyar. In Carinthia 20,000 speak Slovene, and small groups in
Vienna speak Czech or Slovak.
Education and …show more content…
Vienna was Europe's greatest medical center in the early 20th century, known for the modern psychiatry under Sigmund
The official name of Austria is Republic of Austria, Austria has a
Federal Government that is made up of provinces which include: Burgenland;
Cariuthia; Lower Austria; Salzburg; Sytria; Tyrol; Upper Austria; the city of
Vienna; and Volaryburg. All Austrians 19 years and older are permitted to vote.
Austrian's head of state is the President. The President serves a six year term. The President is allowed to serve as many terms as desired, but no more than two terms in a row. The President may not declare war, or veto a bill passed by parliament. The Chancellor and Cabinet run the Austrian Government.
The President appoints the Chancellor which serves as head of Government.
Austria's political parties consist of the conservative People's Party and the liberal Socialist Party, the third largest party, The Freedom Party. In
Austria, the supreme court is the highest court of appeal in civil and criminal cases. Special courts judge juvenile matters, labor deputes, etc. Austria's armed forces consists of approximately of 55,000 men. All men 18 years