This paper will focus on children with autism between the ages of three to nine years. It will identify the four factors such as, diet, education, behaviours and isolation, which impact upon the health and well-being of this client group. It will then identify the communication strategies with the client group, give a description of one, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). It will describe one health and one social care provision for the children referring to the relevant social policies. Finally, a reflection of learning will be provided as part of the conclusion.
Autism belongs to a collection of developmental disorders known as the autism spectrum disorder. Autism is defined as a ‘lifelong condition that impinges on how an individual communicates with and relates to others’ (Gray, 2007). Most of the symptoms are seen from the age of 2 to 3 years when being noticed by the health care professionals and diagnosed (Aylott, 2000). For instance, repetitive behaviours, communication problems, difficulties with social interaction, being over under sensitive to sight, sound, smell, touch and test. Numbers of diagnosed cases have increased in the last 2 decades which may be due to health professionals getting better at diagnosing the cases at an early stage (NHS choice, 2011). There are over 50,000 people in UK with autism and including the families, autism touches the life of over 2,000,000 people everyday (National Autistic Society, 2011). In England estimated figures show that about 1 in 100 children have autism. Boys are three to four times more likely to develop autism than girls (Kay, 2007). There are several factors that impact upon the health and well-being of this client group. Among these factors include, isolation, challenging behaviours, education and diet.
Firstly, Children with autism suffer from more intense and frequent loneliness, they get frustrated because of the limitations their conditions impose on them and