This paper discusses on the most effective and valid screening tool for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on Early Childhood. Screening is attested as the first crucial step for identifying the children at risk of the disorder and in need of assessment and intervention. The main aim of screening is to improve children developmental results in language, cognitive behavior, Social life and brain or motor enhancement. Screening is said to have two levels i.e. Level 1 and Level 2 tools; with level one tools used considered brief and used to find children at risk in a general population and level two instruments being complex and administered to children with development concerns. The instruments presented and comparison made on the most effective to adopt. The main focus here is the Autism Detection on Early Childhood (ADEC) as a level 2 screening tool and how valid and effective it is in identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder.
For analysis, the paper presents a research on Autism Detection on Early Childhood (ADEC) is administered to a well sampled population. This is an extensive tool for measure that combines existing measures and research to identify and operationalize behaviors that are said to be core-connected to the disorder. The hypothesis in this study is clearly outlined that ADEC as the best level two screening tool promising valid and reliable data for Autism Disorder. In support of this hypothesis, the author argues that ADEC is time-efficient, easy to administer even for people with little knowledge in Autism Disorder. Basically, what the author tries to convey in this article is the elaboration of the identified hypothesis by even going further to cement with research data how ADEC is reliable. In the first paragraph, a comparison of level one versus level two screening instruments is presented clearly outlining how they contribute to Autism Spectrum Disorder. This article brings diversity in the study of