Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Department of Computer Science
College Park
UMIACS-TR-94-59 CS-TR-3275
Urs von Matty January, 1994
Abstract. An automatic grading system is presented for grading assignments in scienti c computing. A student can interactively use this system to check the correctness of his program assignments. The grade for a correct solution is automatically recorded. This paper also considers the security problems with such an automatic grading system. Key words. Computerized grading, science education, computer aided instruction.
This report is available by anonymous ftp from in the directory /pub/papers/TRs. It also appears in SIGCUE Outlook, 22 (1994), pp. 26{40. y Institute for Scienti c Computing, ETH Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland; current address: Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; e-mail:
Urs von Matt
Abstract. An automatic grading system is presented for grading assignments in scienti c computing. A student can interactively use this system to check the correctness of his program assignments. The grade for a correct solution is automatically recorded. This paper also considers the security problems with such an automatic grading system. Key words. Computerized grading, science education, computer aided instruction.
1. Introduction. At ETH Zurich an undergraduate course in scienti c computing is lectured by W. Gander every year. About six teaching assistants have to handle up to 200 students. The grading of assignments represents a major activity for the teaching assistants. Kassandra was designed to alleviate this problem. Kassandra is based on the observation that numerical assignments can be tested fairly easily. Typically the student has to implement a procedure which operates on given input data and generates some output.
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