Guidance and Counseling System is the most critical discipline office in many institutions such as the education sectors. Schools, Colleges, and Universities are depending on the Guidance Office to guide students to secure their welfare mentally and academically. Students that are carefully guided by the office until they graduated are most likely to be successful in their professional careers.
Guidance and Counseling System is composed of many services that help the student cope in their school life particularly in College life which is the transition of puberty and adolescence. Students find it hard during college to express themselves and make important decisions regarding their career. So the Guidance and Counseling Office will enable them to make wise decision by offering them Guidance Services essential functions.
In UPH-DJGTMU, the Guidance and Counseling Office is using manual system, that’s why their services is not that efficient. The Automated Services of Guidance and Counseling Office will enable their services be more available to students.
Project Context
UPH-DJGTMU Guidance and Counseling Office has a hard time attending to their offered services because it doesn’t have an automated Guidance System. And because of that, student is not serve completely, its services is not implemented well because of manual system of doing task such as updating particular records, inventory of student records, scheduling student counseling, updating career information, proposing seminars and orientations, handling student complaints, issuing a parents meeting with the counselor, making contact with outside companies for the student tracing program after they graduate and other important services. Those tasks are sometimes not well handled because the office has limited personnel.
Since the Guidance and Counseling Office is lacking of manpower, it is understood that all services and task of the Office cannot carry out smoothly.