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Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Document Purpose 1 1.2 Product Scope 1 1 3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 1 1.4 Document Conventions 1 1.6 References and Acknowledgments 2 2 Overall Description 2 2.1 Product Perspective 2 2.2 Product Functionality 2 2.3 Users and Characteristics 2 2.4 Operating Environment 2 2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 3 2.6 User Documentation 3 2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 3 3 Specific Requirements 4 3.1 External Interface Requirements 4 3.2 Functional Requirements 5 3.3 Behaviour Requirements 5 4 Other Non-functional Requirements 6 4.1 Performance Requirements 6 4.2 Safety and Security Requirements 6 4.3 Software Quality Attributes 6 Appendix A – Data Dictionary 8 Appendix B - Group Log 9
This project takes over the task of ringing of the bell in colleges/schools according to specified timetable in that instituation. It replaces the manual switching of the bell. It has an inbuilt Real Time Clock (DS1307 /DS 12c887) which tracks over the real time. When this time equals to the bell ringing time, then the relay for the bell is switched on. The bell ringing time can be edited at any time, so that it can be used at normal class timings as well as exam times. * Document Purpose Every one knows about the importance of time and time doesnot wait for anyones.every thing must be done in time and accurately.Nowadays,in schools and colleges, bells are operated manually and hence there is necessity of accuracy ,manpower and money.So we must use automated control system that saves manpower,money and highest accuracy.So we are here with this project. * Product Scope