The case study is regarding a young woman in college seeking professional services for feelings that cannot be explained by a medical condition. Background information includes instability of family when she was young, death of mother five years ago, knee injury and recent surgeries, and loss of her main supports family, church and friends. Additionally, moving to a different location to attend school, and acclimating to a new environment and academic requirements. Although this list is not all inclusive it does provide necessary information to apply cognitive-behavioral theory to the case study.
Automatic Thoughts
The case study refers to when Jackie first arrives for professional services because of unexplained symptoms. …show more content…
According to Jackie, the three children were shuffled around from one location to another during separations of her parents. Creating feelings of loneliness and insecurities of who was going to take care of them and when they would go back home again. These actions had the potential to create negative schemas or beliefs regarding relocating to a new place. Also, Jackie is resistant towards supportive services, was this due to negative events surrounding reading services when she was younger. Did something occur that created negative schema for the additional assistance. Additionally, Jackie appears to have difficulty with current academics but this was not the case when she was in high school as Jackie was accepted in highly ranked university and received a partial scholarship. This could be due to internal change regarding identity, Jackie could no longer participate in track. A change to negative core beliefs since she did not flourish in other sports or feel part of the team created a negative schemas concerning her experiences at college. Jackie participation in her social environment appears to be negatively correlated to her childhood and her father’s drinking.
The cognitive-behavioral theory provides a great amount of information regarding this case study. Utilizing core beliefs, schemas and automatic thoughts this theory