Design Report
Team Number 48
ABSTRACT Efficycle 2012 is a national level technical event, whose objective is to bring out the creative and innovative ideas of Engineering students. It aims out at creating a vehicle which is economical and eco-friendly. It also provides us a platform where we are applying the basic engineering skills we had learned. Our task is to design and build a three wheeled vehicle, powered by human and electrical means. The design should be commercially viable as a product and should be attractive to the consumers. It can be driven either alternatively or simultaneously by both mechanical and electrical means. This report details the considerations and processes behind our all-terrain vehicle.
INTRODUCTION EFFI-CYCLE 2012 is an intercollegiate design competition for undergraduate students which are aimed at designing and fabricating an energy efficient hybrid human powered three‐ wheeled electric vehicle. It provides us an opportunity by setting up a trend of using eco‐friendly vehicles in India and come up with some innovative designs.
We, GREEN RHINOS, consists of 8 undergraduate 3rd year students from Mechanical and Production department of Government College of Technology, Tamil Nadu. The team was keen on utilizing the platform to learn, innovate and implement. The following paper outlines the design and analysis of the Efficycle 2012 - Green Rhinos three wheeled vehicle.
DESIGN METHODOLOGY: The designing of the vehicle has been carried after studying the various designs of the fore-mentioned trikes, followed by its advantages and disadvantages.All the design issues were studied and an attempt has been made tosolve them in the present design. Then, the design is subjected to various load conditions at the sides and front