Defined as the flexibility from outside control or leadership. The word autonomy comes from the early 17th century; from the Greek word autonomia meaning ‘having its own laws,’ from auto: ‘self’, nomos: ‘laws’. Independent is defined just as autonomy is. Independent came from the early 16th century. Psychologically, it‘s defined as the ability to make choices of one’s own free will (M.D., 2012). Ed Deci and Richard Ryan define autonomy (self-determination) as not being separated from willing of others but as a sense of self-determination. Self-determination is deciding for yourself what to do. Deci and Ryan believe that people want to feel a sense of self-determination …show more content…
Advantages and disadvantages of being autonomous
There are many advantages along with disadvantages dealing with autonomy. There is autonomy in the workplace, school, home, relationships, etc. An example of being autonomous as an adult is “A young adult from a strict household who is now living on his/her own for the first time” is an example of someone experiencing autonomy.
The advantages of being autonomous is that one can be dependent on self and not worry about someone doing for them. As a child, being autonomous sets an example for the next child. Being to pick out and outfit and tie shoes and riding a bike without any help are great signs of autonomy. Speaking when necessary and being obedient are also signs of being …show more content…
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