The Canadian Government and the Corporation on Avatar, want to find a fast solution to a problem that they should think thoroughly about. The Government and Corporations are not considering the people and natural resources on the land.This is evident in Avatar when it shows how the Sky people do not take in consideration the families living on Pandora and how this change will affect them. The sky people solely acknowledge their own benefit and gain in regards to the Hometree. The whole culture is based around the Hometree, which …show more content…
In the Tipping point, the Cree and Dene people are trying to create awareness to the public. The Cree and Dene want to raise attention to the lakes being harmful and that it is filled with toxins that cause different types of cancer. The government in, the Tipping Point, refuses to address the problem that is presented in front of them. Similarly in Avatar, the Sky people do not attempt to find a solution that benefits both parties, they merely do what they feel is right for themselves. They are stripping down the Na’vi’s cultural beliefs and aspects of who they are. This has the Na’vi people unable to withhold the same privileges and freedom as the sky people