Aircraft Maintenance Information | Future Soldier Center
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Aviation History
(Each Aviation Regiment has its own regimental insignia and coat of arms)
Branch Insignia
Branch Plaque
Branch Type: Combat Arms Birthday: The Army first used light aircraft for artillery forward observation and reconnaissance in June 1942. Following the establishment of the US Air Force as a separate service in 1947, the Army began to further develop its own aviation assets (light planes and rotary wing aircraft) in support of ground operations. The Korean War gave this drive impetus, and the war in Vietnam saw its fruition, as Army aviation units performed a variety of missions, including reconnaissance, transport, and fire support. After the war in Vietnam, the role of armed helicopters as tank destroyers received new emphasis. In recognition of the grown importance of aviation in Army doctrine and operations, Aviation became a separate branch on 12 April 1983. Mission Statement: The mission of Army Aviation is to find, fix, and destroy the enemy through fire and maneuver; and to provide combat, combat service and combat service support in coordinated operations as an integral member of the combined arms team.
Career Management Field: Aviation (15) AIT Locations: Fort Rucker, Alabama, Fort Eustis, Virginia. Sheppard AFB, Texas, Fort Huachuca, Arizona Additional Resources: Army Aviation Units
US Army Aviation History
Modern Army aviation was born on 6 June 1942; a few months after the United States entered World War II. Throughout the war, and for several years afterwards, Army aviation was called organic Army aviation. This was done to distinguish it from the Army Air Force and because its aircraft and personnel were organic to battalions, brigades, and divisions of the Army Ground Forces. The original function of organic Army aviation during World War II was to assist in the adjustment of