Mark G. Losee
Utah Valley State College
The research focused on the ways in which flight schools can provide a specialized training format that satisfies goals for both professional and recreational pilots. These are unique ways in which, flight schools can achieve flight instruction for students by providing a strong training format that meets the individuals needs. Offering practical and theoretical skills to the students, and ensuring professional instructors. Also the use of modern facilities and equipment for teaching students; with a strong emphasis for FAA standards during all phases of instruction. These are some ideas flight schools should adopt in order to meet needs and demands of their students.
The purpose of the research was to find how flight schools provide unique flight training solutions to meet needs of their students. The research identifies principles that flight schools practice as a school that takes a pilot from never having piloted an aircraft to, “helping them know when to use their landing lights, transponder, and trim tabs.” (Above View FBO [AV], 2008)
Learning to fly is one of the dreams of many people; and there are many reasons to learn to fly and most local flight schools can facilitate student’s needs on just about any schedule and desired rating or certification. (G&B Aircraft Management [G&B], 2008) Some may want to learn to fly for recreational purposes while others may learn to fly for a career. Whether as a career, or for recreational purposes in flight operations is one of the more unique areas of flight training in aviation.
Students at flight schools can be trained to become commercial pilots or recreational pilots. For the commercial pilot the world of aviation is very much exciting, dynamic and can be very demanding. In order for one to become a professional aviator whom the world can rely and depend on in the future, one
References: Vincent, Rick (2008). Fixed Base Operations Management Course Lecture Flight School Operations. Utah Valley State College, Aviation Department. Feltsfield Aviation Inc. Flight Training, (2004) http://www.feltsfield.com/tng.html as retrieved on 5 Mar 2008 28 Mar 2008 Schofields Flying Club, (copyright 2003-2008) http://www.ulinks.com/flightschools-flighttraining.htm as retrieved on 30 Mar 2008 Above View FBO, (2008). http://www.aboveviewfbo.com/ as retrieved 31 Mar 2008 G & B Aircraft Management, (2007)