Department of Anesthesiology
AUTHOR: Xenia P. David, M.D. Senior Resident
CO-INVESTIGATORS: Alexander Bautista, M.D. Junior Resident
Warren Caballa, M.D. Junior Resident
Ronald Torres, M.D. Junior Resident
SUPERVISING INVESTIGATOR: Arnold S. Uy, M.D., D.P.B.A. Consultant NKTI, Department of Anesthesiology
ENDORSED BY: Jaime G. Velasquez, M.D., D.P.B.A Chairman NKTI, Department of Anesthesiology
PRIMARY LOCATION OF THE STUDY: National Kidney and Transplant Institute
FUNDING/SPONSORING AGENCY: National Kidney and Transplant Institute
The incidence of awareness during anesthesia with postoperative recall is relatively low at 0.13%. However, this may result in posttraumatic stress disorder in the patient, and have in some instances have given rise to litigation. Intraoperative awareness is now a well-recognized complication, and preventing it is one of the anesthesiologist’s top priorities.
The risk of awareness is associated with the use of neuromuscular relaxants, nitrous oxide, and intentionally light anesthesia for cardiac surgeries and emergency operations in trauma patients. Total intravenous anesthesia using the popular anesthetic agent propofol may also result in awareness due to the wide interpatient variability in dosage; the inability to monitor the plasma concentrations of the drug, unlike in inhalational anesthetics; and the agent’s lack of amnestic properties. A large number of patients at this institution undergo propofol anesthesia for extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), so the potential for awareness during this procedure must not be overlooked.
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