Ahrar Husain* and Hafiz Shakiluz Zaman
F/o Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi – 110025, India
*E-mail: ahrar_husain@yahoo.com
The internet is a huge information base. It can be used as an effective tool for acquiring knowledge. There are several informative websites and web directories that offer information on a wide variety of subjects. Students can use the internet to gain all additional information they need to enhance their knowledge base. But this one is older version of web technology where a user can only read the website and get information, this is called web 1.0. The newer version of web technology is called Web 2.0 can also be used in teacher education and can reduce the workload of teachers.
In this paper we tried to explore the awareness of Teacher Educators of Delhi about Web 2.0 and its utilization in education.
Key words: IntetnetInternet, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, E-learning, Teacher Education
Technology plays a vital role in every sphere of life and therefore there is no exception in education. The advent of technology has deeply impacted the educational scenario of the world. Technology has certainly changed the way we live. It has impacted the different aspects of life and redefining living. Undoubtedly, technology plays an important role in every sphere of life.
In the past century the tools for education were limited. That time radio, television, OHP, slide projectors etc. were the best examples of technology for use in teaching learning process.
But at the end of the century a new technology – internet – came and started to take the place of the old tools of education. After the invention of internet web technology became popular and gain acceptance in education also.
Now web technology is being used all over the world for the purpose of education. There are several informative websites and web directories that offer information
References: 1. ICT Changing the Face of Higher Education." United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 09 Sept. 2009. Web. http://portal.unesco.org/ci/enlev.php 1. Web 2.0." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. December. 2006. . 2. ILLL: National Mission on Education through ICT. “Institute of Life Long Learning” http://www.illldu.edu.in/mod/resource/view.php?id=2720. 3. www.youtube.com/ignou 4. Jereb, Eva & Branislav Srnitek. 2006. Applying multimedia instruction in e-learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 43 (1), 15-27 5. Pulist, Suresh Kumar. "Pedagogical Use Of Web-Based Technology In Teaching At Secondary And Senior Secondary Level Schools Of Delhi: an Exploratory Study." Thesis. Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 2005. 6. Crook, Charles, and Colin Harrison. Web 2.0 Technologies for Learning at Key Stages 3 and 4: Summary Report. London: Becta Publication, 2008.