Professor Azuma
Introduction to Asian-American History
26 April 2010
Professor Azuma’s Stories Come Alive with an Interview
As an international student at University of Pennsylvania, I have an opportunity to experience lots of moments and incidents that I would not have had if I just went to a college in my home country. Although I have spent a total of almost seven years in the United States as a student, I am amazed at how much I am unfamiliar to many cultural aspects of Americans. I am surprised by new findings almost every single day. I was surprised at how Americans actually work as hard as other ethnicities to achieve something they want. Also, how was I supposed to know I would get sexiled within the first week …show more content…
She was indeed aware of this phenomenon, usually called the Model Minority Myth. The Myth was created by the exaggerated presentation of Asian-American immigrants’ successes in the U. S., especially by a couple of articles in renowned magazines such as New York Times and Washington Post (Azuma). Although it may seem at first that the Myth values Asian Americans’ work ethic and perseverance, it actually provided Asian Americans with disadvantages such as Anti-Asian sentiment especially among college students and limited major options Asian Americans could venture. Asian Americans were targets to non-Asian students who felt that they have less opportunity to prosper because they have been outshined by Asian-American students (Takaki 479). In addition, Asian Americans were offered the majors focused on mathematical or scientific fields instead of those in social sciences or humanities, drastically affecting social or literary works that could have developed (477). However, Amy told me that although she knew about this view of other non-Asians on Asian Americans, she was never pressured to work hard to live up to others’ expectations. Instead, she knew that she had to work hard in order for her to succeed in life and to “make mommy happy”